Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Beat the Heat: Tips for staying cool at home

Hello everybody, I'm back with some tips for beating the heat. I know it hasn't exactly been the warmest summer with all the rain, but it is supposed to warm up in the next couple of days. It can be tricky to stay cool without spending a fortune running your air conditioning all day long. That's where I come in. I have found many different ways to help you keep cool while saving you money, so you're ready when the rain decides to stop.  
1.    Keep it closed: Pulling your curtains closed will keep the cool air in better by preventing the sun from entering the room.

2.    Ice air conditioner: Grab a bowl of ice and place it in front of the fan for a cool breeze. This will be better than blowing the hot air around.

3.    Skip the dryer: Any appliances that give off heat will make your home warmer. Instead, try air drying your clothes.

4.    Know your fabric: Wear the dry wick clothes. This is a type of fabric that captures moisture, and moves it away from your skin. This will keep you cooler and drier. Otherwise, wear lose fitting clothes to help catch a breeze.

5.    Let your feet out: Putting on socks and shoes trap the heat in. Let your toes breathe by wearing sandals or flip flops.

6.    Drink water: This is important. The body loses a lot of water on warm days. Keep cooled down by drinking more water than normal. And try to stay away from caffeine as it will make you feel even more run-down on warm days.

7.    Give your stove a break: Warming up the oven or stove will add heat. Try grilling outside or making a cold meal.

8.    Turn on the water: Take a cold shower to cool yourself down, or turn the water on outside and run through the sprinkler.

9.    Aloe Vera: This has natural cooling and soothing properties that will allow you to stay cool with the warm sun. Applying this will keep your skin cooler.

10. Spices: These will add extra flavor to your food, but adding spicy ingredients will make you hotter. Try to use a more mild spice when it’s warmer outside.

11. Heat rises: Try to stay in the coolest (lowest) part of your home. This will make it anywhere from 5-15 degrees cooler.

12. Eat the treats: Eating cold food like ice cream can be delicious and keep your temperature down.

13. Stay in the shade: If you want to be outside, take a break from the sun and relax in the shade.

14. Night Breeze: It is generally cooler at night than during the day. Cool off the house by opening your windows and letting the cool air circulate. Plus, it will help you sleep better.

15. Use a wet cloth: Place a cool, damp cloth on your forehead or around your neck. This will lower your body temperature and keep you cooler during the day.
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